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  • jacol

    jacol is used to load java or lisp applications within an environment that allows java and lisp to interoperate.


    jacol [-lp <port>] [-jp <port>] { -s | { <classname> | <filename.lisp> | <filename.fas> } } [ <additional args> ]

    -lp specifies an explicit port for the lisp server to use. If not specified, an unused port ranging from 8000 to 32000 will be chosen at random.

    -jp specifies an explicit port for the java server to use. If not specified, an unused port ranging from 8000 to 32000 will be chosen at random.

    -s indicates that jacol should be started in "server mode", in which it does not explicity load java or lisp programs. It will start the lisp and java servers and wait for remote connections.

    When not in server mode, a filename must be provided. The file should either be a java class or a lisp program. If a class is specified, Jacol will load the class and call the "main" method, passing any subsequent command line parameters as arguments. If a lisp program is specified, *ARGS* will be set to the remaining command line parameters and the file will be loaded.

  • jacolexec

    jacolexec connects to a lisp server and evaluates a single expression.


    jacolexec [-h <hostname>] [-a <auth-file>] -p <port> <lisp statement>

    -p specifies the port of the lisp server.
    -h specifies the host running jacol. Defaults to localhost.
    -a indicates a file containing the passcode. Defaults to ~/.jacol/jacolrc.

  • jacolsh

    jacolsh is used to create executable lisp "scripts" capable of calling java. This is done by making the first line of the file read:


    When the script is executed, jacolsh will start a jacol process and use it to evaluate the remainder of the lisp script. Any command line parameters passed to the script will be available as *ARGS*.

  • jacolrep

    jacolrep provides a "read, eval, print" interface to a lisp server.


    jacolrep [-h <hostname>] [-a <auth-file>] -p <port>

    -p specifies the port of the lisp server.
    -h specifies the host running jacol. Defaults to localhost.
    -a indicates a file containing the passcode. Defaults to ~/.jacol/jacolrc.

    jacolrep will display a prompt and accept lisp statements, which will be evaluated in the remote lisp process. This will continue in a loop until Ctrl-D is entered.

© 2001, 2002 Jason Lowdermilk